Who is Ann? For me she is a real person.
For you she's a mythical femail.
Let's construct together the book of Ann!
How does she feel? How does she thinks? How does she act? Is she a rebel? Is she a mother? Is she the salt of the earth?
Free size and medium. Text and poems are also welcome. Deadline for contributions is 31 December 2011.
All the contributions will be united in a time capsule.
Documentation on this blog.
Unfriendly femail mail art will be banned.
Mail address: The book of Ann, c/o Guido Vermeulen, Thomas Vinçottestreet 81, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
New musical contributions from Giovanni and Renata Strada, Italy. I used the Italian postal stamp on the International Femail Day to cover the naked breasts in one of the images. You are so funny, guys!! (brainwashed by Berlusconi perhaps?)
New contributions from Margaret Founds, including a beautiful handwritten text on Ann as a carver and sculptor and another peace dog named Dell. Ann loves jazz and nature walks. Meg you have "the vision"!
New contributions from Zois, USA. Envelope worked at both sides and an artist book, one of Zois' cats writing to one of mine, including a heart in cat hair, stunning and moving!
New contributions from Anke van den Berg, Belgium: a photo of clouds above Herselt on April 8, 2011 and 2 bird related ATC's, one inspired by a poem of the Dutch poet Vasalis, also a poem by Anke on a second envelope on attending a bird concert.